
You are probably looking for the Mastodon instance

This host is mostly for my random stuff, and in little part acts like a well-intentioned placeholder for the typosquatted domain.

Discoverability and Archiving

Currently I'm using this host for saving the items from my own feeds to the Wayback Machine and provide in-links for search engines. I hate that I have to do this, but the non-sense ideology of Mastodon pretty much ruined the search feature for Fediverse as a whole, and this wasn't changed by the fact that they owned their mistake and implemented search eventually.

Yes, I (or anyone else) could do similar things with other peoples published feeds, regardless of the tantrum. No, you can't defederate this, because the process doesn't rely on an instance.

Gluttony Section for Search Engines

@reverseics basic math!
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@reverseics I just encountered a piece of code checking if an IP address was negative
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[RSS] It rather involved being on the other side of this airtight hatchway: Posting completions to somebody else's I/O completion port
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[RSS] PC Floppy Copy Protection: Electronic Arts Interlock
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I read that a Hungarian company produced Hezbollah's recently acquired exploding beepers.[1]

I wonder if this is related to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit in Budapest back in May.[2]

Again, this is wild speculation!

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@qwertyoruiop thx I'll take a look!
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Tonight in "Fun with #FOSS":

I installed gerbera to do DLNA things. Config dot freaking XML should've been a warning sign, but I know how to computer.

It took about half an hour until I figured out from the docs what XML tag I should use and where to point to the directory where my media content is (it's not in the default config).

The fun begins when the systemd unit just exists. There is a logging option, but no hint about where the logs are. Nvm, journalctl captured stdout:

"level attribute is missing or invalid"

There is no "level" attribute in the docs.

Googling: 0 result - spoiler: this is because the second part of the message comes from an XML lib, while the attribute name comes from the XSD.

The solution is to checkout the git tag corresponding to the OS package version, find the XSD and the attribute definition in it. I fixed the config.

The software now runs (it just doesn't work).
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@malwaretech 10/43 words (give or take) of the first tweet is mil/intel jargon... Also note the two "may"'s in the opening sentence. See also:
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@devcoffee He has a couple more essays of similar style, all worth reading! :)
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Of course, the wisdom of James Mickens applies:
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