
You are probably looking for the Mastodon instance

This host is mostly for my random stuff, and in little part acts like a well-intentioned placeholder for the typosquatted domain.

Discoverability and Archiving

Currently I'm using this host for saving the items from my own feeds to the Wayback Machine and provide in-links for search engines. I hate that I have to do this, but the non-sense ideology of Mastodon pretty much ruined the search feature for Fediverse as a whole, and this wasn't changed by the fact that they owned their mistake and implemented search eventually.

Yes, I (or anyone else) could do similar things with other peoples published feeds, regardless of the tantrum. No, you can't defederate this, because the process doesn't rely on an instance.

Gluttony Section for Search Engines

PageJack: A Powerful Exploit Technique With Page-Level UAF

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Super Hat Trick: Exploit Chrome and Firefox Four Times


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@joxean We have a saying around here: "you are so dumb you bend space" (no offense @rabbit :))
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@gsuberland @rabbit
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@briankrebs tmux!
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Who volunteer to dress up as standing lamps for AlligatorCon?

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@Kensan @cynicalsecurity The outcome is obviously that, what I can't wrap my head around is what this outfit was supposed to represent? I mean there must have been an idea similar to "dress up girls in latex because geeks like Matrix" or similar, but I just can't imagine what led to *this*.
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@cynicalsecurity It was probably this:

My tolerance level is pretty high, but IMO this is just straight up offensive without *any* substance.
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[RSS] LibRaw: Out of bounds write in LibRaw::sonyParseSR2
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[RSS] Building a NES Emulator - Sprite Rendering
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